Potatoes are a highly nutritious vegetable,
Rich in vitamin C,
The B-complex vitamins,
Have good doses of the minerals like iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus.
Medicinal properties
A potato tuber is antispasmodic,
Mild Anodyne – pain killer,
Digestive remedy,
Diuretic, and emollient, i.e., an agent that softens and soothes the skin.
A potato is good for:
Stomach ulcer
Duodenum ulcer and
Stomach acidity.
To use the potato for these ulcerous conditions:
Wash and grate several red skinned raw potatoes. (Other colours are also good, but the red is considered the best for this purpose.)
Raw Potato Juice
Put grated potato in a cheese cloth and squeeze to remove the juice.
Or slice the potatoes, sprinkle with a small amount of sea salt, let sit overnight and collect the juice the next morning.
Use a Juicer
Drink 1/2 cup of this raw potato juice three times a day before meals for a great benefit.
For burns
Mix a grated raw potato with a little olive oil, and apply to affected area.
This mixture works well for dry, chapped skin as well.
Effects: Neutralised Acid, conditions the tissues, draws off excess heat and fluid, and a good source of Potassium and Phosphorus. Indications:
Ulcers; Burns, (John’s story in Australia) grate, and put directly on the skin, if a severe burn Change every 2 hours. Keep covered.
Give cayenne immediately ¼ teaspoon in 1 cup of water, drink quickly, calm the whole nervous system.
Used for : Inflamed eyes; Sty; Dry eyes; Bruises; Burning urine – Drink juice.
Grate to a mush, apply directly to the skin, cover with paste wrap.
Remember potato will stain whatever you use.
Pure Garlic
We all know its odour is strong and lingering, but it serves the human body well.
It unclogs arteries
reduces high blood pressure
kills intestinal parasites
strengthens muscles
boosts hormone secretion and is packed with vitamins and minerals.
WARNING: Do not take garlic on its own when suffering with low blood pressure or anaemia.